Terms and Conditions for Sellers on kodyonline.pl

§ 1 Definitions

  1. Online Store - the online platform operating at kodyonline.pl, allowing Sellers to sell digital products.
  2. Seller - an entity conducting business activity, who has created a customer account on the kodyonline.pl platform and converted it into a seller account, offering their products for sale.
  3. Buyer - an individual, legal entity, or organizational unit purchasing products offered by Sellers on the kodyonline.pl platform.
  4. Administrator - the owner of the kodyonline.pl platform, responsible for managing and administering Seller accounts.
  5. Commission - the fee charged by the Administrator from the Seller for each sales transaction carried out on the kodyonline.pl platform.

§ 2 Seller Registration

  1. To become a Seller, a Customer must first create a customer account on the kodyonline.pl platform.
  2. After logging in as a customer, the user has the option to convert the customer account into a seller account by providing additional information and submitting the appropriate application.
  3. Converting a customer account into a seller account requires providing true and current data, including contact details and business information.
  4. After the successful conversion of the account, the user gains access to product management and sales functions.

§ 3 Seller Plans

The kodyonline.pl platform offers three levels of plans for sellers: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Each plan differs in the minimum tenure, required ratings, and commission rates. Detailed information on each plan is provided below:


  • Minimum tenure: 0 days
  • Minimum average product rating: 0
  • Minimum average message rating: 0
  • Sales commission: 10%
  • Position: 3


  • Minimum tenure: 180 days
  • Minimum average product rating: 2.5
  • Minimum average message rating: 2.5
  • Sales commission: 7%
  • Position: 2


  • Minimum tenure: 365 days
  • Minimum average product rating: 4
  • Minimum average message rating: 4
  • Sales commission: 4%
  • Position: 1

§ 4 Seller Profile

  1. After converting the account to a seller account, the Seller will have access to their profile page at kodyonline.pl/my-page.
  2. The Seller's profile will include a description, cover photo, logo, and product logos.
  3. Sellers' products will be proportionally promoted through Google Merchants, Google Ads, and other marketing partners.
  4. By registering as a Seller, the user consents to the promotion of their products and profile as described above.

§ 5 Order and Payment Management

  1. All orders placed by Buyers for the Seller's products are processed through the kodyonline.pl platform.
  2. Payments for orders are processed by the payment system integrated with the kodyonline.pl platform. The Seller receives payments directly to their account, minus the commission in accordance with the selected plan.

§ 6 Commissions and Fees

  1. The Administrator charges a commission on each sales transaction carried out by the Seller on the kodyonline.pl platform, in accordance with the selected plan (Bronze, Silver, Gold).
  2. The commission amount depends on the plan chosen by the Seller.
  3. The Seller has access to the commission history and payment status in the seller's panel.

§ 7 Seller Account Management

  1. The Seller has access to the seller's panel, where they can manage their products, orders, commissions, and communication with Buyers.
  2. The Seller can export and import products to facilitate inventory management.
  3. The Seller can create their own shipping methods and set shipping rates.

§ 8 Communication with Buyers

  1. The kodyonline.pl platform enables communication between the Seller and Buyer through the messaging system.
  2. The Seller is required to respond to Buyer messages as promptly as possible.
  3. All communication should be conducted in a polite and professional manner.

§ 9 Ratings and Comments

  1. Buyers can rate and comment on products and the Seller's service.
  2. The Seller has the right to respond to comments and report comments that violate platform rules or laws to the Administrator.
  3. The Administrator reserves the right to remove comments that violate platform rules.

§ 10 Payout of Funds

  1. The Seller can submit requests for the payout of funds accumulated in the seller account.
  2. Payouts are processed twice a month: on the 10th and 30th of each month, unless the calendar month has fewer than 30 days, in which case the payment from the 30th is moved to the 10th of the next month.
  3. The minimum amount for payout is 1000 PLN.
  4. A fee of 3% is charged for payouts made outside the scheduled times. If the payout is processed according to the schedule, the fee is 0.99%.
  5. The Administrator reserves the right to verify the Seller's data before processing the payout. In case of discrepancies, the payout may be withheld until resolved.
  6. In case of any delays or issues related to fund payouts, the Seller should immediately contact the Administrator via email: kontakt@kodyonline.pl.

§ 11 Final Provisions

  1. The Administrator reserves the right to change these terms and conditions. All changes will be communicated to Sellers electronically.
  2. Matters not covered by these terms and conditions are governed by Polish and international law, particularly e-commerce and data protection regulations.
  3. Any disputes arising from the sales agreement between the Seller and Buyer will be resolved amicably, and in the absence of agreement, by the court competent for the Administrator's seat.

§ 12 Contact

  1. Any questions regarding these terms and conditions or the operation of the kodyonline.pl platform should be directed to the email address: kontakt@kodyonline.pl.

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